Unbound Prometheus is a program of advanced summer seminars managed by a group of Greek academics in the US. It offers, since 2017, seminars taught by a mixed group of Greek academics of the diaspora but also others of different nationalities. It is one of the best summer programs in Europe in light of the faculty which it has hosted, some coming from Ivy League schools (e.g., Harvard and Yale) and intellectuals with global reputations who have done TED Talks, to name only some of their accolades. No restrictions are placed on academic subjects.


We have just received the first donation to the 2021 scholarship fund by Elpidoforos, Archbishop of America but we anticipate more to come by major Greek corporations in the near future. 

The attached poster with the open call is sent with the present email to top administration officials as well as heads in departments relevant to the three subject matters of this year's seminars: Medicine, Bio Medical Engineering/Medical Technology, and Pharmacology. But if any one of you feels that students and faculty from other schools (e.g., Polytechnics) may be interested in these subjects, please feel free to distribute it more widely. The seminars we offer can be found in the poster.

We would appreciate it if you could distribute the poster both to students and faculty in your schools and, if you do so, please alert me to it. 

In addition to the poster, but just for your own information (not for distribution), I also attach the list of faculty who have offered seminars in past programs and a thank-you letter written by some Aristotle University students who received scholarships last year reflecting the quality of lectures we provide.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Haris Kitsikopoulos

Academic Director

Unbound Prometheus Program


